SNS Regional Deep Imaging 2D 2018
SNS Regional Deep Imaging 2D 2018 (SNR18)
GeoPartners, in collaboration with Seabird and DownUnder GeoSolutions (DUG), are pleased to announce the completion of the acquisition of a new Regional MC2D seismic survey entitled Southern North Sea Regional Deep Imaging MC2D 2018 (SNR18).
Acquisition was carried out during October 2018 using the Seabird vessel Harrier Explorer and a total sail line km of 1218 km of long offset broadband data acquired in an operationally challenging area with numerous shallows and obstructions.
Key features of the acquisition are an 8000m streamer, broad band acquisition configuration, 6100 cubic inch source and a long record length of 14 seconds. More details are available on application.
In terms of exploration, this area is something of an activity hotspot where interest has focused progressively deeper and now especially into the lower reaches of the Carboniferous. There are a number of emerging plays and in addition to Breagh, there are two recent high profile fields discovered, namely Cygnus and Pegasus.
However direct imaging of the reservoir is typically very difficult and therefore any deep structural information may help understand regional reservoir distribution, through new model based paleogeography.
Importantly, the survey is designed to tie most of the deep penetration wells in the area, providing useful regional correlation for smaller scale 3D surveys within the area. The final data will also form the framework for a greater regional understanding and could pave the way for additional deep focused acquisition in the future.
Broadband processing and imaging will be carried out by DownUnder GeoSolutions, utilising their deghosting solution DUG Broad. The survey is supported by industry funding and processing will be completed in May 2019.